Alphabet Book

Theme - LGBTQ+ Community


I want to present you with an alphabet book for children dedicated to all the kids who felt different growing up. Designed with love to teach kids ABCs while learning new vocabulary associated with the LGBTQ+ community. Each letter represents a colour of the rainbow.


The main intention behind this book was to not only help kids learn the alphabet of English literature but also teach them to have an open and thoughtful mindset from the beginning.


Coming from a background where topics such as sexuality aren’t talked about enough, I felt very ignorant of my peer’s feelings and thoughts when it came to their gender preferences. Hence, I decided to design and dedicate this book to them. From the ages of 2-12 years, it is far more easier for humans to comprehend new learnings than later in their life. Hence, here is an LGBTQ+ Alphabet book. The designing of the book was divided into 3 different parts:

Research - The most important part to start with was research. It is crucial to have and provide the right information and be aware of people’s sentiments.

Preparation - Just like school time, I decided on doing an arts & crafts project by using paper clips and moulding them into all 26 letters of the alphabet. The Rainbow is used as a symbol that reflects the diversity of the LGBTQ+ community. Hence, I decided to use different fabrics with all its colours. Which will then be used as a background image.

Production - The colour of the paper clips needs to be the same as the background fabric image which when all lined together makes a rainbow; that is, A is red, B is orange, C is yellow, D is green and so on.