GirlUp - Women's Safety

Deliverables - Application Design & Instagram page

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Girl Up is a community created by a woman for women. It brings light to issues about gender-specific violence and the mistreatment of women around the world. Girl Up is also a Safety App that lets the user share their location with their trusted contacts, set an alarm in case of emergency, have fake calls in time of need and also has the option to leave notes on the map at places which seem unsafe It also provides a social media platform where women can share their stories so as to help someone going through the same


GirlUp is an initiative to create a place in the society to help and support women of all colours, shapes and sizes. Women have the right to be free from violence, harassment and discrimination. Removing the barriers of an unsafe environment can help women fulfil their potential as individuals and as contributors to work, communities and economies.

Research Insights

Females are the largest gender population percentage in the world and still have disadvantages when it comes to their rights. Since the beginning of time, specific gender norms have been created those count men as the superior gender and since it is an old practice not much have been changed. Due to such a portrayal of women in the society, they are always expected to behave, act and dress a certain way and if even one of them goes against these rules, it creates a fuzz all around. Because of such a habitual pattern, women's safety has become a really big issue.

Target Audience

The main focus is on the feminine gender and since the concept would be more tech-savvy and requires an online presence, the ages would be between 14-55yrs old. People in this group are free-spirited and open to learning about new things. They are also very vocal about their views on society's gender norms and would prefer to bring a change to it.
